Monday, May 7, 2007

Basic Bread Recipe Roshayati

Ingredients A:

500g bread flour/high protein flour
100g sugar
30g milk powder
1 tsp salt
1 tsp bread improver (optional)
1 tsp bread softerner (optional)
4 tsp instant dry yeast (1 packet 11g)

Ingredients B
250 ml water
1 egg lightly beaten
40g butter
40g shortening/ butter / margerine

  1. Mix well dry ingredients A and add water and egg and knead untill smooth
  2. Add butter and shortening and continue kneading until smooth and shiny and dough doesn't stick to your hand.
  3. Leave to prove about 30 - 40 min
  4. Punch the dough to let the air out.
  5. Devide the dough accordingly and make into balls and leave to rest for 10 min
  6. Shape accordingly
  7. Leave to prove for 40-60 min
  8. Brush the dough with lightly beaten egg and Bake till golden brown

Modified version. I just modified the measurement of the ingredients. This give half of the original measurements.


1 cwn tepung gandum (sifted twice)
2 tbsp gula
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp bread improver
1/2 tsp bread softner
2 tsp dry yeast (mauripan 1/2 packet)
(1/2 cwn + 1 tbsp) water + 1/2 beaten egg
1 tbsp margerine

Method: same as above

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